Saturday Oct 2, 2021 Sunday Oct 3, 2021
Fri. Oct. 1 - 7:30 PM Rules meeting (doors open at 6:30 PM for a Social Hour)
Sat. Oct. 2 - Tournament Fishing - 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM ** please note the time change (tournament can only be 10 hours a day)
Sun. Oct. 3 - Tournament Fishing - 6:00 AM - 12:00 PM
St. Germain Area Lakes: Big St. Germain Lake, Little St. Germain Lake, Big Arbor Vitae Lake, Little Arbor Vitae Lake, Plum Lake, Sand Lake, Pickerel Lake, Lost Lake, Found Lake and Dam Lake
Click here for a list of available spots on the lakes
GWMT Application2021 LATE REGISTRATION FEE (applications received after 9/7/2021*):
GWMT Regulations2021
REGISTRATION FEE (applications receive on or before 9/6/2021):
*Register by 9/6/2021 to guarantee a tournament gift.
Note: Credit card transactions/PayPal payments are subject to a $3.00 processing fee.
Payment for online registration is only by credit card/. If you wish to pay by cash, check or money order, please print out the forms and register in person or by mail.
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